Today is my mother's birthday, we went out to eat yesterday. She wanted this like. . . hipster overpriced taco place but they were only serving brunch on Sundays and everything had eggs in it. She really does not like eggs. Very ironic. It sucked because that place looked cool! But it is her birthday and that kind of sucked. So we ended up going to Texas Roadhouse. I ate a steak! Which is odd honestly because I never really eat steak. Or meat in general. But lately I've been on a big burger kick, so whatever.
This spring has been full of a lot of new beginnings for both me and my girlfriend. We have been finding things out about ourselves as well and just opening ourselves to new opportunities! Pip got a job at a little bakery, it's Mardi Gras time so it is VERY busy, which I feel bad since they just started. But I think busy shifts make the day go by faster so maybe it's not too bad for them. Pip seems to really like the job, and I couldn't be happier for her. We're both saving up to move in together. My parents are talking about getting a big ass property and getting a house or a trailer so I've been thinking of doing the same and having Pip come here. I know our endgoal is to live in either the midwest or the Pacific northwest. I'm honestly fine with wherever the wind takes us as long as I'm with them :]
In only two days, I am going to go to my first ever DND campaign! I am . . . extremely nervous. My friend at work invited me into it, he's been trying to for a while but I fear my anxieties have been holding me back. I mean, I've never played DND before. I've never played any video game similar to it, read any books, listened to podcasts, whatever!!! I know nothing about it. So hopefully this goes well, we're discussing characters and stats and backstories and such. I think I want something Joan of Arc themed (obviously!!). Joan is my girl, I love her dearly. I love that name too. Joan. I wish I had a sweet name like that.
In other news, I found my scanner and I have been nonstop scanning things LOL. I scanned a few of my books, I'll attach the photos of them below. I also went to Barnes and Noble yesterday. I got my girlfriend a little Unicorno squishy, I'm not sure if you know what those are but I'll explain either way. Unicornos are these little figurines by the brand TokiDoki which is a japanese inspired thing. It's really cute! I had a few of them, but I think I'm getting out of the interest of it. I think I'll see if my girlfriend wants my collection because I have. . . a few. Of course, I'll be keeping the ones they have gifted my themselves and maybe one or two of them just because I like their designs so much. Anyway! We're getting off track. I got a copy of Carmilla because I've been meaning to read it. Though. . . I don't need to be buying more books. I barely have space for the ones I already own. I have started a book stack on my floor and I haven't even finished the book a coworker recommended to me. I got a new chapstick as well. It's Romeo and Juliet themed and if you peel the label back, it has an excerpt from it. The flavor is 'Pear of Starcrossed Lovers'. How cute is that? Very dorky but. . .I like it. They also had a Where the Wild Things Are tote bag that was only $17. If you've ever gotten literally anything from B&N then you know that is very very cheap for them. Even the cashier said she expected it to be $25. But it's become my new favorite bag, the inside is beautiful as well, perhaps I'll put some photos in here of it.
In other news, I had to take my eyebrow piercing out. Well. . .It took itself out, practically ripped out so now I have to use my nieces silly ass Frozen bandaids to cover it. I replaced it this morning and I guess ripping the metal bar out wasn't enough! Because my eyebrow hair got ripped out too!! Can I catch a break??
Well. . I suppose that's it for this entry. Below are photos of my recent scans. Enjoy :]