They recently held a party for the new Metal Gear Solid Delta game and everyone looks so good, I'm so excited!!
I will put photos below but I know a lot of people are a little upset about it? Probably because of how Ocelot looks, but I love how he looks no matter what that is my girlfriend!!!! I will say that The Boss and Eva look amazing too! I'm pretty excited to see Raikov in HD because that basically means we'll see Raiden in HD since they have the same exact face. Let's hope they don't mess that up. . .

I've been on a very big Metal Gear Solid kick again, which I'm very happy about. It's always nice to come right back to a special interest like that. Recently, I've been playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain. So far, I have Kazuhira, DD, D-Gear, and Quiet! I love Quiet, she is so cute. Her and Venom's relationship is so beautiful. I've always loved love stories that trancend words and rely solely on understanding and gestures. I'm not excited for when Quiet departs. It will definitely destroy me.
I'm also quite excited to meet Eli, though I know it'll be far down the line. I wish we could've seen little David too, but I suppose it's alright.

I went out today which is odd for me. I don't get out the house much. I don't really like to. But my mom wanted to go out to Plato's Closet, so I did. We also went to a Goodwill (It sucked), as well as to Barnes & Noble. I got quite a few things. A new doll for my collection, she's ready for her wedding. . . I've decided to name her Ellie because of her resemblance to the archeologist from Jurassic Park donning the same name. I also got a plush of Max from Where The Wild Things Are. That book really holds a lot of sentiment to me, and my mom remembered that today which was really nice. She usually doesn't remember a lot about what I like. I got a shirt and some pants from Plato's Closet and Goodwill but they kind of sucked. I also got a copy of the first Innocent volume, as well as The Book of Bill.

P.S. Photos below