Yo. So I went to the gym after work today and let me tell you. . . I want to kill myself.
I decided my first day at the gym should be LEG DAY. And while I still think it's a pretty good idea, since it's the hardest thing to come back to, I am in pain. I did a lot of 'Leg crunches' with weights, as well as I worked out on the rowing machine mostly. I did squats, and I lifted a naked barbell since I have never lifted before. I spent the last of my new routine on the eliptical, which I only did for 10 minutes out of the 30 I had planned. By the time the 10 minutes were up, I had done my full hour at the gym. I go back tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited about. It's a nice gym. I plan on getting more into my physique and bodybuilding and I'm honestly quite excited. I've found a lot of fun in it which I didn't expect. I've always been a sort of couch potato recluse. . . So getting out of the house and doing something like this is pretty exciting as well as nervewracking.
Anyway, no new news on the Metal Gear Solid Delta remake. Today is Yvengny Volgin's birthday! Happy birthday, big guy! Sorry I'm celebrating it with only about 30 minutes left of the day but whatever, I'm sure he wouldn't care anyway. Doesn't seem like a big birthday guy.
There isn't really much to share about my day today besides my gym adventures. I'm very excited to see what else the rest of my journey has to share. Thanks for listening.