Roblox with friends!

Last night, my friends and I stayed up pretty late to play some Roblox and call! It was so fun. I usually don't play Roblox much since Toby took over my account but I had a LOT of fun!! We played this game called The Spinner and the drama that sprouted on there was wild. Some girl was mad at me because she got voted out and I could come back..? And this e-dating couple had matching shirts that said something like 'I come in peace' 'I'm peace' and I have never felt more hatred in my heart than the moment I saw them. Anyway, they got mad at me for 'being there too long' (they were only online for like..ten minutes) and voted to kill me!!! Bunch of losers..
I also decided to get some Robux to get a new outfit since Toby likes to spend all of mine on stupid things. My new outfit is pictured above!
It's pretty silly, isn't it? I like it a lot. There's a chainsaw on the back. I love the ushanka. I have one almost just like it irl.
Anyway! I have nothing else to say so please enjoy these photos of me and my friends enjoying Roblox!