Today has been extremely uneventful. Aside from 'completing' my site, I have just been sitting around listening to music all day. It seems like a boring way to pass time but it's honestly all I do. I've found a couple of good songs to listen to on repeat but nothing too exciting. I've been watching a couple of videos of Eddsworld again. Fundead, Mirror, Mirror, Spares, and Zombeh Attack are my favorites; they never really get old.
I need to get into the habit of reading again..I have this book that I've been reading slowly over the course of a couple months and I'm only on chapter four . It's not even that long of a book!!! It's a really good book, actually, I'm just a bit unmotivated to keep reading. I'll have to start over if I wait any longer. It's We Have Always Lived In the Castle if you're interested in reading it as well. Let me know what you think in the chatbox if you do end up reading it..or even this journal entry!.
I've also been playing a bit of Fear and Hunger. Quite a pesky little game, isn't it? It's so aggravating getting so far and then losing to a coin toss. But I suppose that's also one of the charms of the game and what brought my attention to it, as well as all the perversions and oddities that engulf the story. My favorite character so far is Enki or D'arce. I love a good woman knight. In the second game (I know..I shouldn't be playing it until I finish the first..), my favorites are Samaria, Marina, Daan, and Levi. Very large list of favorite characters but they all are so fascinating to me.