Finished: 8.26.2023
Rating: 10/10

I watched this movie with my close friends and let me tell you I have only ever cried this hard at a very few movies. This movie is my friend, Lotus's favorite movie and I can see why it is!!!
Coming in at a whopping 2 hours and 49 minutes. . . this movie is one of the longest I've seen. But not the absolute longest! Though the film is lengthy, there is nothing I would've asked to have been cut out. It is worth the watch!
This movie is so beautiful in how it displays time passage and the twists were endless. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen or go on, the rug was snatched from under my feet.

From the Wiki, this movie is described as follows (NO SPOILERS):
In 2067, as humanity is facing extinction following a global famine caused by ecocide, it has since abandoned scientific pursuits such as space exploration. As a result, ex-NASA pilot Joseph Cooper is now forced to work as a farmer with his son Tom, daughter Murph and father-in-law Donald.
Cooper observes a pattern formed by an apparent gravitational anomaly in Murph's bedroom. He decodes it into GPS coordinates and arrives at a secret NASA facility headed by Professor Brand. Brand explains that NASA is trying to find an exoplanet capable of supporting life, and he is working on solving a gravity equation to provide a way of transporting large numbers of people off the dying Earth ("Plan A"). He enlists Cooper to pilot an exploratory spacecraft called the Endurance, holding the supplies and embryos for a new colony potentially without the population of Earth ("Plan B"), with a crew of three scientists: Romilly, Doyle, and Brand's daughter Amelia, accompanied by robot assistants TARS and CASE. With few resources to mount more expeditions, this is humanity's last chance to travel through a wormhole that mysteriously appeared near Saturn to a series of potentially habitable planets.

The way this movie is filmed is so awesome and so breathtaking. I'm not one of those people to usually even talk about the way a movie is filmed but this one is just so fucking beautiful that it deserves it! The colors and the atmosphere of everythng is so perfectly crafted that I wish I was there. . .Even in the scary parts!!!
If you ever find yourself with three hours to spare. . .WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!