Finished: Don't remember. . .
Rating: 10/10!

I have never in my life seen a game like this before. This game is one of the most unforgiving, angering, horrifying games I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. The world building is so beautiful, the lore is gorgeous and the religions are so fascinating, they make me want to convert. This game ruined my life but at the same time it's so beautiful that I can't help but to continue to enjoy it.

In this game you follow four of our playable characters into this mysterious place called the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger in hopes of getting what they came for and going back to their home safely...but that's not quite how it goes. The four characters have their own set of unique skills, motives, and phobias which are randomized every playthrough.

This game is so severely out of pocket that I had my mouth open in disbelief every single time something happened. I would suggest looking up the warnings for this game if you're weak of heart... The lore, the enemies, the actions, noises, even the weapons and characters you can recruit are all so jaw dropping.

The Mercenary is our first character to choose from. His name is Cahara and he has come to the dungeon in search of...a paycheck. His story seems a bit lackluster at first but trust, he is such an interesting man. As we play on, we learn more about his story. He has a woman back home that he's become romantically involved with. This woman is a prostitute as well as pregnant. He feels so deeply for her that he set out on this quest to find the man that would get him his riches in the dungeons.

Next on our roster is a knight by the name of D'arce. She is the only woman that we can play as..and she's the most interesting to me. Her story is that she is a Knight of the Midnight Sun. She set out to these dungeons to find her captain, Le'garde. She had fallen in love with him and once she heard he had been captured and kept in the dungeons, she wasted no time setting out to find him.

Enki is seemingly the only one here that isn't at the dungeons looking for a certain someone...He's here because he wants to seek knowledge as well as an artifact from said dungeon. Enki is very interesting to me. He hails from a temple and was raised with his twin sister to become a dark priest.

Lastly is Ragnvaldr, our Outlander. He comes from a kingdom that has been attacked by the Knights of the Midnight Sun, who took the Cube of the depths. He sets out to the dungeon to take back what's his and give the leader of the Knights what for!